How to Mount Google Drive in Linux Using "Google Drive OCamlfuse" Client - Part 3

Channel: Open Source Linux
Abstract: 14. Create mountpoint say /mnt/gdrive and give ownership to user ‘avi‘. # mkdir /mnt/gdriverun google-drive-ocamlfuse -help command to get all the ava

10. Now create a mount point say google-drive in your home directory and mount as:

$ mkdir ~/google-drive
$ google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/google-drive

You may check the mount point and disk space usages of your mounted Google Drive using df command as shown below.

Mount Google Drive in Linux

If you have more than one account, you can run use following command.

$ google-drive-ocamlfuse -label label [mountpoint]

The label options is used to distinguish different accounts under directory ~/.gdfuse/label to host configuration, application state, and file cache.

Do remember no files are shared among different accounts, so that you can have a different configuration for each Google account.

11. To unmount the Google Drive, you have to run:

$ fusermount -u ~/google-drive

For more options and help, run google-drive-ocamlfuse -help command to get all the available commands and switches.

Mount Google Drive Automatically in Linux

You may mount more than one drive at a time and also mount Google drive automatically at boot.

12. create a shell script gdfuse in the directory /usr/bin as root, with the below content.

su $USERNAME -l -c "google-drive-ocamlfuse -label $1 $*" 
exit 0

13. Make it executable.

# chmod 755 /usr/bin/gdfuse

14. Create mountpoint say /mnt/gdrive and give ownership to user ‘avi‘.

# mkdir /mnt/gdrive
# chown avi.avi /mnt/gdrive

15. Next, open and edit file /etc/fstab and add below line at the bottom. Save and exit.

gdfuse#default	 /mnt/gdrive 	fuse 	uid=1000,gid=1000 	0 	0

Take extra care of ‘uid‘ and ‘gid‘. Change it as user’s uid and gid.

16. To mount the google drive now, run:

# mount /mnt/gdrive

For more information about how to include and use multiple Google accounts, see the google-drive-ocamlfuse wiki.

That’s all for now. Installing from source is not a big deal as well and it is pretty straight forward, as tested on Debian. What you think about the project and its setup. Also there is no answer from Google on official Drive client even after 3 years, so what do you think. Is Google Drive Ocamlfuse a life savior? Please let us know your valuable thought in the comments below.

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Ref From: tecmint
Channels: google drive

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