How to Upgrade Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 Using DNF

Channel: Linux
Abstract: Step 2 – Install system upgrade DNF plugin DNF required system upgrade plugin to be installed. So use the following command to install system upgrade

Fedora 24 final version has been released on Jun 21, 2016. Fedora Workstation users may required to upgrade there Workstations to use latest version.

This tutorial will help you to Upgrade Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 Workstation using command line utility DNF. This is the recommended way to upgrade your Fedora release. The users running with Fedora 22 or older versions, its recommended upgrading to the next Fedora release first.

Upgrade Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 WorkstationUpgrade Fedora 23 to Fedora 24

Generally, servers run without any Desktop environment. So this section will useful for upgrading Fedora server as well as workstation using the command line. Make sure you have proper backups of your data on the external backup drive.

Don’t Forget: Backup all your important data. The system upgrades are potentially risky, be prepared for any data loss.Step 1 – Update Fedora System Packages

Make sure you are running current system with latest packages. You can update your system using DNF command line tool.

$ sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
Step 2 – Install system upgrade DNF plugin

DNF required system upgrade plugin to be installed. So use the following command to install system upgrade DNF plugin.

$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
Step 3 – Download the upgrade packages

After successfully installing system upgrade plugin, download the updates packages of Fedora 26.

$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=24

If any of the packages have unsatisfied dependencies, Fedora will refuse the upgrade process. You can use --allowerasing option with above command, This will remove any packages which are broken. Watch the output of the command to check which packages are getting removed from the system, So you can install again.

Step 4 – Start upgrade process

Finally, run the following command to start the upgrade process. This will reboot your system and complete the upgrade.

$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Let’s wait for the upgrade complete. After completion of this, you will have Fedora 25 running on your Desktop or Server.


Ref From: tecadmin

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