Guayadeque Music Player 0.3.5 Released - Install on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Channel: Linux Players Linux
Abstract: # sudo apt-get install guayadeque# sudo apt-get install guayadeque-svn The PPA provides two different versions

Guayadeque Music Player is a fully featured music management program that designed on GStream media framework to manage large collection of smart playlists. It also has support for ipod and portable device, downloads album covers automatically, play and record shoutcast radios, support, lyrics download and many more elegant features.

Guayadeque 0.3.5 Features
  1. Album browser zoon mode allow you to select and view tracks.
  2. Added load defaults in shortcuts preferences.
  3. Added cue support
  4. Allow to change language via Preferences -> General
  5. Dynamic playlists can be sorted by any criteria.
  6. Collections support added. Now you can add many collections as per your need.
  7. Many Bug fixes

There aren’t new features, but few interesting features such as 「new collection「, with this feature you can create a separate collection for instance, creating a collection name for different music stored in different locations etc.

To create a new collection, Open Source > New Collection > Collection > Click + sign and then give a new collection name and add some folders to it as shown below.

New Collection

The new collections added under 「Sources「, you can select to Show them on the panel.

Installing Guayadeque on Ubuntu 13.10/12.10/12.04 and Linux Mint 15/14/13

Guayadeque can be installed using many difference methods. You can install using a PPA (Personal Package Archives) or Compile from the source code directly. But here we are using easiest PPA method under Ubuntu and Mint.

Open a command line by hitting 「Ctr+Alt+T」 and add the source PPA to your repository.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:anonbeat/guayadeque
$ sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install guayadeque 
# sudo apt-get install guayadeque-svn

The PPA provides two different versions: 「guayadeque」 and 「guayadeque-svn「. The package 「guayadeque」 is a updated stable release and whereas 「guayadeque-svn」 package is more updated, but can be more unstable.

If you prefer to install latest Guayadeque, use the 「guayadeque-svn」 package instead 「guayadeque「.

Installing Guayadeque on RHEL/CentOS 6.4/6.3 and Fedora 19/18

Guayadeque is not yet available under RHEL / CentOS and Fedora repositories. So, here we are using source code to install and build.

Open a terminal as root and install following dependencies packages using YUM package manager tool.

# su


Now install the packages required for building from source code.

# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Now install needed dependencies packages to build. Run the following command to install those missing packages.

# yum install cmake gcc-c++ gettext wxGTK wxGTK-devel taglib-devel sqlite-devel libcurl-devel gnutls-devel dbus-devel gstreamer-devel flac-devel libgpod-devel # subversion subversion-libs

You are now ready to install and build Guayadeque directly downloading the source code.

# wget
# tar -xvf guayadeque-0.3.5.tar.bz2
# cd guayadeque-0.3.5
# ./build
# make install

Now you’ve successfully installed and build Guayadeque in your system. To start it go to Applications > Sound & Video > Guayadeque Music Player.

At the first start-up, you will get a screen similar to below.

Guayadeque Media Player

Guayadeque can also be available for other Linux distributions at installation page.

Ref From: tecmint

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