Install EHCP (Easy Hosting Control Panel) in RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint

Channel: Control Panels Linux
Abstract: sub domains and so on. Ehcp is the only first hosting control panel was written using PHP programming language and available for free. It offers all m

EHCP (Easy Hosting Control Panel) is an open source and very effective Hosting Control Panel that offers you to host any websites, create ftp accounts, email accounts, sub domains and so on. Ehcp is the only first hosting control panel was written using PHP programming language and available for free.

It offers all major hosting control panel features such FTP Accounts, MySQL Databases, Panel Users, Resellers, MailBox with Squirrelmail and Round Cube etc. It is the only first control panel that provides built in support for Nginx and PHP-FPM with completely throw out Apache and gives better performance for low end servers or VPS.

EHCP Features
  1. Complete php, free opensource, easily customizable and more free templaes.
  2. Unlimited resllers, user accounts, ftp accounts, email accounts, mysql and domains.
  3. Management of DNS, domains, subdomains, ftp, mysql, email etc.
  4. Domains password protected, Email forwarding, autoreply etc.
  5. Website analytics with webalizer and ftp with net2ftp.
  6. One click third party script install.
  7. User Disk quota control, SSL suport, custom http redirects, domain aliases, domain redirect.
  8. Different langauge support and template supports with few languages.
  9. Server backup and restore including files and databases.
  10. More details here.

This article will help you to install and setup Easy Hosting Control Panel on RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian systems. Please note ehcp can be installed on a fresh installation of Linux. The ehcp installation is quite simple and easy, a new user won’t face any issues while installing it at the first time.

How to Install EHCP (Easy Hosting Control Panel)?

First, login as root user using ssh and download the latest EHCP (current available version is 0.32) source tarball package using wget command.

# wget

Next, extract the ehcp source tarball using following tar command.

# tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz

Change to ehcp directory, then execute script.

# cd ehcp
# ./

Go through the installation setup and read the instructions carefully. The install script will install all needed packages including Apache, MySQL, PHP, Postfix and so on. During installation it will ask you to enter some information to configure services and set ehcp admin passwords. The installation setup takes up-to 50-60mins, depending upon the internet speed.

It is highly, recommended you to set a MySQL ‘root‘ password for MySQL administration.

Repeat MySQL password for ‘root‘ user.

Please select the best mail server configuration that suits your needs. In my case, I’ve selected ‘Internet site‘, mails are sent and receive using SMTP service.

Set the system mail domain name.

Create directories for web-based mail administration. Click on ‘Yes‘.

Create SSL certificate for POP and IMAP. Click on ‘Ok‘.

Please select your web server that automatically configured to run phpMyAdmin.

Configure phpMyAdmin database.

Set MySQL ‘root‘ password for phpMyAdmin.

Please give a phpMyAdmin password to register with database server.

Password confirmation.

Next, configure roundcube database.

Please select the database type that used by roundcube. In my scenario, I’ve selected MySQL database for roundcube.

Please provide MySQL password for roundcube.

That’s it, installation finished.

Now navigate to the Web browser window and enter IP address of your server.




Click on the link that says ‘Click here for the control panel on your server‘.

Enter ehcp login details, default admin username is ‘admin‘ and default admin password is ‘1234‘. If you’ve set new admin password during installation enter that password.

Ehcp Control Panel Dashboard.

Reference Link

Official EHCP Website

Ref From: tecmint

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