How to Upgrade CentOS 6.10 from CentOS 6.9-6.0

Channel: Linux
Abstract: my server is running CentOS 6.9. Follow the below steps to upgrade it CentOS 6.10. Step 1 – Check Current CentOS Release The centos-release package co

CentOS 6.10 has been released, If you are using older version 6.x release of CentOS operating system, this article will help to upgrade CentOS to latest release 6.10. This new release has lots of security changes and updates to packages. Currently, my server is running CentOS 6.9. Follow the below steps to upgrade it CentOS 6.10.

Step 1 – Check Current CentOS Release

The centos-release package contains a file /etc/centos-release or /etc/redhat-release having the current version of CentOS. Simply view the content of this file using cat command to find CentOS version.

cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 6.9 (Final)

Now, the following steps will help you to upgrade CentOS to the latest release. Before upgrading centos make sure you have taken backup of all your data to a remote location.

Step 2 – Backup Important Data

Below is a few suggested items to take backup.

  • Backup all databases ( MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.. )
  • Backup all configuration files ( Apache, PHP, MySQL, DNS and Other services )
  • Backup all websites data running in webserver
  • Backup other service if any running on system
Step 3 – Upgrade CentOS 6

Use yum upgrade command to upgrade your current running system.

yum clean all
yum update

After successful completion of above command just reboot your system.

Step 4 – Verify Upgrade

Finally, verify that your system has been upgraded successfully. To confirm it check the /etc/redhat-release file content.

cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 6.10 (Final)

Ref From: tecadmin

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