Fedora 27 Released – How to Install Fedora 27 Workstation

Channel: Fedora
Abstract: Select what to share. Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – Privacy Step 18You may need to perform Gnome initial setup on your first login. Select

Fedora 27 Workstation has been released today (14 November 2017), and I am bringing you the step by step guide to install Fedora 27 Workstation release.

Fedora offers three installation images separately for the workstation, server, and cloud. The following guide is created based on Fedora 27 Workstation.

What’s new in Fedora 27 Workstation
  1. dnfdragora replaces Yumex-DNF
  2. GNOME is updated to 3.26
  3. LibreOffice is updated 5.4

More here.

System Requirements

The following is the recommended system requirement for Fedora 27 installation,

  • 1GHz or faster processor
  • 1GB System Memory
  • 10GB unallocated drive space

As a minimum system requirement, your machine should at least have 768MB of RAM for the installation.

Download Fedora 27 Workstation

Download Live ISO of Fedora 27 Workstation from here. Write the image to DVD using image writer software. Then, put your Fedora DVD on to your system and then change the boot sequence accordingly to boot from DVD first.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation

Select the Fedora Workstation Live 27.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Start Fedora Workstation Live

Wait for the Live CD to load fully.

Step 1: Choose install to Hard drive.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Install to HardDrive

Step 2: Select the language and continue.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Select Language

Step 3: Next step is the installation summary. You need to clear the warning messages. Other settings are optional. If you want to change any settings, click on it.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Installation Summary

Step 4: As per the above screenshot, I have a warning for installation destination. I’ve clicked on Installation destination to create a partition for the installation.

You can choose either automatic partition or manual partition.

Automatic Partitioning

You can just click on the done button to tell the system to create partitions for you.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Automatic Partitioning

Once you clicked, you will go back to installation summary where you will find the installation destination is 「Automatic Partitioning Selected

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Begin Installation –

You can skip following steps and go to step 5.

Manual Partitioning

Partition scheme will be like below, / partition is with LVM.

/boot – 500MB

swap – 4096MB (Double that of RAM)

/ – remaining (45GB)

Select the hard disk and choose custom, then click on Done.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Manual Partitioning

You will get the following page, where you can create partitions. By default, LVM partitioning scheme is selected, so whatever partition you create here will be LVM instead of a standard partition.

You can click on scroll button (LVM) for more partitioning scheme.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – LVM Partition

Click on + sign at the bottom to create partitions. Following is for /boot partition.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Boot Partition

Following is for a swap partition. Make sure you to select the mount point as swap.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Swap

Following is for / (root) partition. If you do not mention the size then it will take all remaining available space.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Root Partition

The following is the summary of partitions that we had created. Click on done.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Manual Partition Summary

Click on accept changes for formatting partitions.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Accept Changes

Once you clicked, you will go back to installation summary where you can find the installation destination is 「Custom Partitioning Selected

Install Fedora 27 Workstation -Custom Partiton

Step 5: If you click on Date and Time, you will get the following page to change the Date and Time / Time zone. Click on done to save.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Time Zone

Step 6: If you click on Network and Hostname, you will get the following page to set up the hostname. Set hostname in hostname field and then click apply.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – System Name

Step 7: Click on begin installation to start the installation.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Begin Installation

Step 8: Once you clicked, the installer will start to install the packages. In the meantime, we need to clear the following warnings.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Installation is in Progress

Step 9: Set root password by clicking on ROOT PASSWORD.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Set root password

Step 10: Create a new user by clicking on USER CREATION.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Create user

Step 11: Once the installation is completed, click on quit.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Installation Complete

Step 12: Reboot live CD.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Reboot Live DVD

Step 13: Click Restart to reboot the machine.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Restart

Step 14: Once the machine is rebooted. Log in with the username and password that you created earlier.

Install Fedora 27 Workstation – Login

Step 15: You may need to perform Gnome initial setup on your first login. Select Language.

Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – Select Language

Step 16: Select the keyboard.

Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – KeyBoard

Step 17: Select what to share.

Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – Privacy

Step 18: Connect your online accounts (Skip if you dont want to setup now).

Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – Online Accounts

Step 19: You can start using Fedora now.

Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – Start Using Fedora

Step 20: You can use Getting Started to know more about how to use Fedora. It has few videos for newbies

Fedora 27 Workstation Post Installation – Getting Started

The following screenshot shows desktop of Fedora 27 Workstation.

Install Fedora 27 WorkStation – Fedora 27

That’s All.

Ref From: itzgeek
Channels: fedora 27

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