How to Reset MySQL root Password in Linux

Channel: Linux
Abstract: How to reset MySQL root password using the command line. How to reset forgotten MySQL root password on Linuxlogin to MySQL server as root user and cha

Q. How to reset MySQL root password in Linux? How do I recover MySQL root password? I forgot MySQL root password, steps to change MySQL root password? How to reset MySQL root password using the command line. How to reset forgotten MySQL root password on Linux? How to reset MySQL 5.7 root password?

MySQL is an open source database software widely used for data storage. Sometimes we forgot MySQL root password. So don’t be panic, This tutorial will help you to reset MySQL root password with simple steps.

Reset MySQL Root Password
  1. Start MySQL in Safemode – First of all, you are required to stop running MySQL server. Use one of the following commands to stop MySQL server on your Linux system.
    systemctl stop mysql.service 
  2. Start MySQL in safe mode – Now start MySQL server in safe mode using withe the --skip-grant-tables option. Use the following command to start MySQL in safe mode. In safe mode, MySQL does not prompt for login password.
    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & 
  3. Reset MySQL root Password – Next, login to MySQL server as root user and change password using the following set of commands. This will reset MySQL root password on your system.

    For MySQL 5.6 or Below

    mysql -u root 
    mysql> USE mysql;
    mysql> UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD("NEW-PASSWORD") WHERE User='root';
    mysql> quit

    For MySQL 5.7 or Above

    mysql -u root 
    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD("NEW-PASSWORD");
    mysql> quit
  4. Restart MySQL Service – Once you change the password. Terminate the current mysqld process, and then start it again as regular service.
    sudo pkill mysqld && sudo pkill mysqld_safe 
    systemctl start mysql.service 
Verify New Password

After resetting MySQL root account password and restarting, just verify new password by login.

mysql -u root -p 

Enter password: **********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1308
Server version: 5.7.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (Ubuntu)

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

Verify New Password

Ref From: tecadmin

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