An Ultimate Guide to Setting Up FTP Server to Allow Anonymous Logins - Part 3

Channel: Linux Certifications LFCS Linux
Abstract: # firewall-cmd --add-port=15000-15500/tcp --permanent6. We will restrict the data channel to TCP ports 15000 through 15500 in the server. Note this is

5. In addition, the following settings will allow you to limit the available bandwidth for anonymous logins (10 KB) and authenticated users (20 KB) in bytes per second, and restrict the number of simultaneous connections per IP address to 5:


6. We will restrict the data channel to TCP ports 15000 through 15500 in the server. Note this is an arbitrary choice and you can use a different range if you wish.

Add the following lines to /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf if they are not already present:


7. Finally, you can set a welcome message to be shown each time a user access the server. A little information without further details will do:

ftpd_banner=This is a test FTP server brought to you by

8. Now don’t forget to restart the service in order to apply the new configuration:

# systemctl restart vsftpd      [CentOS]
$ sudo service vsftpd restart   [Ubuntu]

9. Allow FTP traffic through the firewall (for firewalld):

On FirewallD
# firewall-cmd --add-service=ftp
# firewall-cmd --add-service=ftp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-port=15000-15500/tcp
# firewall-cmd --add-port=15000-15500/tcp --permanent
On IPTables
# iptables --append INPUT --protocol tcp --destination-port 21 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT
# iptables --append INPUT --protocol tcp --destination-port 15000:15500  -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED --jump ACCEPT

Regardless of the distribution, we will need to load the ip_conntrack_ftp module:

# modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp 

And make it persistent across boots. On CentOS and openSUSE this means adding the module name to the IPTABLES_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config like so:


whereas in Ubuntu you’ll want to add the module name (without the modprobe command) at the bottom of /etc/modules:

$ sudo echo "ip_conntrack_ftp" >> /etc/modules

10. Last but not least, make sure the server is listening on IPv4 or IPv6 sockets (but not both!). We will use IPv4 here:


We will now test the newly installed and configured FTP server.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

Ref From: tecmint

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