Single User Mode in Linux/CentOS/Redhat Enterprise Linux | Linux Single User Mode

Channel: Centos/Redhat
Abstract: once selected press ‘e’ to edit the kernel parameters. Once press you will find the screen like below. Now you go to the third lineit looks module /vm

Single user mode is the one of the Run level in Linux Operating system, Run Level means the mode of operation in Linux operating system, If the machine having problem or it doesn’t start properly that time you can use the single user mode to troubleshoot the issues.

You can have full permission to do anything on the machine and it will never ask you any password for logging in.  Follow the below steps to go to single user mode. This is applicable to Linux/CentOS/RHEL.


Take look on the following picture you will find that grub counting the time to boot the default operating system as mentioned in /etc/grub.conf.

That time press any key to interrupt, you will see the list of kernel that is installed on the machine. In my case there are three kernels.


  1. Updated centos kernel with xen.
  2. Default installed kernel with xen.
  3. Default installed kernel without xen.

Select the kernel in which you want to login by using arrow keys, once selected press ‘e’ to edit the kernel parameters. Once press you will find the screen like below.

Now you go to the third line, which starts with module / ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet.  Press again e to edit.

At the end of the  line insert wordsingle.  It will look like below.

If you see full line, it looks  module / ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet single

Once done press Enter, you will get the following screen with selection of third line. Press ‘b’ to boot the kernel with edited parameter.

Once booted it will go to hash prompt i.e. root prompt without asking password. See below.

That’s it.


Ref From: itzgeek

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