How To Setup Icinga Web 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Channel: Centos/Redhat
Abstract: Install the PHP package and extensions for Icinga Web 2. ### CentOS 7 ###Install Icinga Web 2 Use the yum command on CentOS/RHEL to install the Icing

This post covers the installation of Icinga web 2, a web interface for Icinga 2 where you monitor your whole infrastructure in single place.

Article Series

1: How To Install Icinga 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

2: How To Setup Icinga Web 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

3: How To Add Remote Linux Machines into Icinga 2 Monitoring Tool

This guide explains you to setup Icinga 2 with Icinga web 2. We can install Icinga web 2 either using an official repository or from source depending on the operating system.

  1. A web server, e.g., Apache or Nginx
  2. PHP 5.6.0 and above with cURL, gettext, intl, mbstring, OpenSSL, and XML support.
  3. PHP LDAP library when using LDAP or Active Directory authentication.
  4. PHP libraries for MySQL or PostgreSQL
Install PHP and PHP Extensions

As said in the requirements, Icinga Web 2 requires PHP version 5.6 and above. The PHP version you need for Icinga web 2 is higher than what is available on CentOS / Redhat base repositories. So, you would need to enable SCL repository and rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms repository on CentOS and RHEL respectively.

### CentOS 7 ###

yum install -y centos-release-scl

### RHEL 7 ###

subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms

Install the PHP package and extensions for Icinga Web 2.

### CentOS 7  ###

yum -y install rh-php71-php-json rh-php71-php-pgsql rh-php71-php-xml rh-php71-php-intl rh-php71-php-common rh-php71-php-pdo rh-php71-php-mysqlnd rh-php71-php-cli rh-php71-php-mbstring rh-php71-php-fpm rh-php71-php-gd rh-php71-php-zip rh-php71-php-ldap rh-php71-php-imagick

### RHEL 7 ###

yum -y install rh-php71-php-json rh-php71-php-pgsql rh-php71-php-xml rh-php71-php-intl rh-php71-php-common rh-php71-php-pdo rh-php71-php-mysqlnd rh-php71-php-cli rh-php71-php-mbstring rh-php71-php-fpm rh-php71-php-gd rh-php71-php-zip rh-php71-php-ldap

Configure the time zone in the php.ini file.

vi /etc/opt/rh/rh-php71/php.ini

Look for the below line and update it with your timezone.

date.timezone = US/Central

Restart the PHP-FPM service.

systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm

Enable PHP-FPM service to start automatically at system boot.

systemctl enable rh-php71-php-fpm
Add Icinga 2 Repository

Add Icinga 2 repository on your system in case if you haven’t already set up.

rpm --import
yum install
Install Icinga Web 2

Use the yum command on CentOS/RHEL to install the Icinga Web 2 package along with Icinga CLI and Apache web server.

yum -y install icingaweb2 icingacli httpd

Enable the Apache service to start automatically at the system startup.

systemctl enable httpd

If you are running Icinga Web 2 with SELinux enabled, then consider installing the below package to set policy for Icinga Web 2.

yum -y install icingaweb2-selinux

Run the below commands to allow HTTP traffic to access Icinga Web 2 from external machines.

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --reload
Preparing Icinga Web 2 Setup

Icinga CLI is used for performing administration tasks in the command line. Both Icinga Web 2 and CLI must have access to logs and configurations. Add web server user (apache to the system group (icingaweb2)

groupadd -r icingaweb2
usermod -a -G icingaweb2 apache

Create the Icinga Web 2 configuration directory.

icingacli setup config directory --group icingaweb2

Restart both Apache and PHP-FPM services.

systemctl restart httpd
systemctl restart rh-php71-php-fpm
Icinga Web 2 Setup Wizard

When you are visiting Icinga Web 2 for the first time, Icinga web setup wizard will guide you through all the steps for the successful installation of Icinga Web 2.


For security reason, you would need to generate the token for the Icinga Web 2 installation.

Generate the token using the following command.

icingacli setup token create


The newly generated setup token is: 04fa4ea1baf4f0b9

Copy and paste the generated token on the setup page and click Next.

Setup Icinga Web 2 on CentOS 7 – Enter Security Token Pages: 1 2 3 4

Ref From: itzgeek

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