Upgrading Fedora 15 to Fedora 16 Using YUM

Channel: Fedora
Abstract: script failed. Remove them using following command. yum remove package-name-and-version 3. Upgrading FedoraYou might want to update the groups. The fo

The fedora 16 has been released on the November 2011, Since that time i haven’t upgrade my fedora box to 16. Here i upgrade the fedora 15 box to fedora 16 by yum, you can also upgrade fedora 15 to fedora 16 using preupgrade. This is for the experienced professional only.

Here is the detailed information about the Upgrading Fedora using YUM.



1.Backup your data:

Before doing anything Back up any personal data to an external hard drive or to another machine. If there is some unrecoverable error that requires a fresh install, you don’t want to lose any data.

2. Remove the Unused packages:

You can find packages not required by other packages with the tool package-cleanup from the yum-utils package: yum install yum-utils; package-cleanup --leaves. These packages could be candidates for removal, but check to see whether you use them directly or if they are used by applications not backed by rpm packages. Remove them using following command.

You can find orphaned packages (ie packages not in the repositories anymore) with: package-cleanup --orphans. This will also show packages which have been partially uninstalled but where the 「%postun」 script failed. Remove them using following command.

yum remove package-name-and-version

3. Upgrading Fedora:

Go to Text mode. Use Ctrl+Alt+F2 or init 3.

Update the yum to latest version of available for your fedora version.

yum update yum

Import the gpg key for the fedora 16.

rpm --import https://fedoraproject.org/static/A82BA4B7.txt

Clean the all meta data and package cache. This  remove all traces of the version you are leaving from the yum cache in /var/cache/yum.

yum clean all

4. Upgrade Fedora:

Use the following command to upgrade the fedora.

yum --releasever=16 --disableplugin=presto distro-sync

Note: Once a live upgrade is started, do not stop the upgrade by rebooting, killing the process, or by any other method until it is complete. Interrupting an upgrade will cause the affected system to be in a mixed state — partially the old release and partially the new release. In this state, the system will not be reliable and will not operate as expected. You can try running yum distro-sync and package-cleanup –problems to try and fix the problems.

Confirm the fedora upgrade.

yum repolist 

5. Update Groups:

You might want to update the groups. The following command install the essential package.

yum groupupdate Base

Listing the other groups.

yum grouplist

Once it listed, upgrade the groups by using the following command.


yum groupupdate "GNOME Desktop Environment"

6. Installing Grub:

After upgrade you need to reboot the machine, Before rebooting you should usually install the bootloader from your new grub by running

/sbin/grub2-install BOOTDEVICE

Example if your boot partition is /dev/sda

/sbin/grub2-install /dev/sda

order of the init scripts  changed from fedora 15. So reset the init script priorities.

cd /etc/rc.d/init.d; for f in *; do /sbin/chkconfig $f resetpriorities; done

7. Reboot:

After reboot, you should see new kernel version on new Fedora version. For example, kernel 3.1.1 on Fedora 16

[root@localhost ~]# uname -a Linux localhost.localdomain 3.1.1-1.fc16.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 09 14:47:56 UTC 2012

That’s All!. You have successfully upgrade the machine from  Fedora15 to Fedora 16.

Ref From: itzgeek

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