Ebook: Introducing the Django Getting Started with Python Basics

Channel: eBooks Linux
Abstract: Reviewing Python Basics and Creating Your First Web Application with Django Chapter 3we published a 3-article series as an introduction to Django

Among system administrators, web development skills are a plus. They not only look good on resumes, but also can simplify the way you do things. If you have been waiting for an opportunity to learn how to develop dynamic web applications, we promise you will not have to wait any longer.

Are you concerned that you do not have the necessary time to invest long hours searching the web for an easy-to-follow and friendly introduction to this topic? Have you felt discouraged because of the vast amount of technologies out there, and wondering where and how to start?

Ebook – Getting Started with Django with Python Basics

If you can answer 「Yes」 to any of the above questions, we have the right answer for you. Keep reading to find out more!

In late 2015, we published a 3-article series as an introduction to Django, the well-known Python-based open source web development framework. As such, it incorporates all the necessary components to create fully functional applications by sparing you from the pains of writing everything from scratch each time.

With Django, you can set up login and upload forms, admin areas, create and use connections to databases, and present data (even in a mobile-friendly format) in a snap.

We have just finished the task of revising the original series taking into account the comments of our readers. Clarifications have been added and issues have been corrected to ensure that you will have a pleasant learning experience. Remember – these articles have been written with you, our reader, in mind.

What’s inside this eBook?

This book contains 3-chapters with a total of 24-pages, which includes:

  1. Chapter 1: Installing and Configuring Django Web Framework with Virtual Environments in CentOS/Debian
  2. Chapter 2: Reviewing Python Basics and Creating Your First Web Application with Django
  3. Chapter 3: How to Create Mobile-Friendly Web Applications using Django Framework

To access this Django series in PDF format, for that reason, we present you with the chance to buy this Django ebook for $10.00 as a limited offer. With your purchase, you will support Tecmint and ensure that we can continue creating more quality articles for free on a regular basis as always.

Buy Now $10.00

We hope that you enjoy starting out with Django as much as we enjoyed writing this series. As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions to improve this and the rest of the content we offer.

Ref From: tecmint
Channels: linux ebooks

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