How to Install KDE Plasma 5 on Arch Linux

Channel: Linux
Abstract: as of wiring this article. Check KDE version in Arch Linx Conclusion We guided you to install and login to the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment in Arc

KDE Plasma 5 is the fifth generation desktop environment from KDE. KDE plasma requires less space and has a higher response rate.  Meaning that you can run KDE in low space and feel the great user experience and smoothness. KDE plasma has a great look and feel, fresh and eye-catching icons, animations, customizable, and many pleasing features.

For this article, we have the latest installation of Arch Linux 5.10.4 with XFCE desktop. We are going to install KDE Plasma 5.20.4 on it.

Related Read:

  • How to Install KDE Desktop on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Install XFCE Desktop on Arch Linux
  • Arch Linux installed with any desktop environment having a sudo user. You need at least one sudo user to install the KDE Plasma desktop environment.
Install KDE on Arch Linux

First, upgrade Arch Linux using the package manager 'pacman' in your Arch Linux. Open terminal and type the following command.

$ sudo pacman -Syu

Now, install the following packages:

  • plasma - Desktop environment  for KDE
  • sddm - Display manager for KDE plasma
  • kde-application - For various KDE applications
$ sudo pacman -S plasma sddm kde-applications

You will be asked to choose the packages, you can simply proceed with default values.

When the installation finished, check your current display manager by executing the following command.

$ file /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service

In my case the display manager is lightdm. It might be different and depends on what you have used while installing Arch Linux.

Check current display Manager

We should disable the current display manager. Just Grab the name of the display manager from output and disable it by executing the following command.

$ sudo systemctl disable lightdm

Just enable session manager for plasma 'sddm' and reboot the system.

$ sudo systemctl enable sddm
$ reboot

The following screen appears, choose 'Plasma' and input your password. You will be login to KDE plasma desktop top.

Plasma login in Arch Linux

To see the version installed Click on the Launch menu then search 'System Information' and click on it.

System information in Arch Linux

KDE Plasma 5.20.4 is the installed version, as of wiring this article.

Check KDE version in Arch Linx Conclusion

We guided you to install and login to the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment in Arch Linux. Please give us your feedback on the article. Thank you.

Ref From: linoxide

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