Install Vsftpd with SSL/TLS on Ubuntu 20.04

Channel: Linux
Abstract: you may start it with the next command. $ sudo systemctl start vsftpd Configure Vsftpd There are a lot of options that you can configure for vsftpd bu

Vsftpd (i.e. very secure FTP daemon) is an FTP server software for Linux and other Unix-like systems. An FTP server software facilitates the transfer of files from a client computer to the server and vice versa.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Vsftpd on Ubuntu 20.04 and enable secure file transfer (FTPS) via SSL/TLS.

  • An Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system
  • A user with sudo capability
  • An SSL-enabled FTP client such as FileZilla
Install Vsftpd on Ubuntu

Vsftpd is available in the default Ubuntu package repository. You may begin by updating available packages with the command below.

Install Free SSL Certificate on Any...

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$ sudo apt update

Next, run the following command to install Vsftpd.

$ sudo apt install vsftpd

Enter y if prompted to continue with the installation.

Once Vsftpd is successfully installed, you may check the version with the command below.

$ vsftpd -v

Also, verify the status of the Vsftpd server as follows.

$ sudo systemctl status vsftpd
Check Vsftpd server status

The vsftpd service should already be active. Press q to return to the command prompt.

If the vsftpd service is not already active, you may start it with the next command.

$ sudo systemctl start vsftpd
Configure Vsftpd

There are a lot of options that you can configure for vsftpd but we will only examine the basics in this tutorial. Open the vsftpd configuration file with the following command.

$ sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

You will see that the various vsftpd options are well explained in the configuration file. You only need to read the instructions to understand what you want to enable or disable. Below are a few examples.

Configure anonymous FTP access

By default, anonymous FTP is disabled. We recommend that you leave this default setting as is. However, if for any reason you would like to enable anonymous FTP access for testing purposes, then change the value of the anonymous_enable option from NO to YES.

For now, leave it as is.

Configure anonymous FTP access for vsftpd Allow local users to log in

Local users are allowed to log in by default. If you would like to prevent local users from logging in to the Vsftpd server, then change the value of local_enable from YES to NO.

Allow local users to login to the Vsftpd server

You could also allow only specific local users to log in to the Vsftpd server. To do that, ensure that local_enable is set to YES. 

After that, add the following lines underneath.


Save and close the vsftpd.conf file.

Next, create the userlist file with the next command and enter the allowed users one per line.

$ sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.userlist

Save and close the userlist file.

Restart vsftpd with: 

$ sudo systemctl restart vsftpd
Enable FTP write command

To allow FTP users to create, delete, rename and save files, uncomment the write_enable option and make sure it is set to YES.

Enable FTP write command

Before we go any further, let us login to the Vsftpd server to confirm that it is working. For now, save any changes and close the vsftpd configuration file.

Login to the Vsftpd Server

For this, let us create a test user and assign a password as follows.

$ sudo useradd -m myftpuser
$ sudo passwd myftpuser

Note: If you enabled the vsftpd userlist earlier, do not forget to add the ftp user to /etc/vsftpd.userlist accordingly. By default users have ssh access, recommended to disable shell access for FTP users.

Now, launch an SSL-enabled FTP client such as FileZilla and then log in using the newly created test user.

In my case, FileZilla notified me that the server is insecure as it does not support FTP over TLS.

Insecure FTP server notification

Cancel the connection. Let us fix this in the next section.

Enable SSL/TLS for secure file transfer

To enable secure file transfer via TLS, proceed as follows.

Firstly, open the vsftpd configuration file with the command below.

$ sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

Next, look for the rsa_cert_file and rsa_private_key_file options and update the values as shown below.


Also, look for ssl_enable and change the value to YES.

Enable TLS/SSL for Vsftpd

Save and close the vsftpd configuration file.

Generate a private key and certificate

Now, you would need to create a private key and generate a TLS/SSL certificate with openssl. You can use the Let's Encrypt free SSL Certificate if you have a domain pointing to the FTP server.

To generate a private key, run:

$ sudo openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.key

Next, generate a certificate signing request with the command below. You would be prompted to provide some information such as your country, city, email address, etc. Please read the instructions carefully.

$ sudo openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.csr

Now, generate and sign the certificate which will be valid for 365 days as follows.

$ sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.csr -signkey /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.pem

Restart vsftpd with: 

$ sudo systemctl restart vsftpd

Try to connect to the Vsftpd server again.

Secure FTP connection over TLS

Surely, FileZilla was able to connect securely via TLS this time around. You may safely choose the option to always trust this certificate in future sessions. Then click OK to proceed with the connection.

Trust self-signed certificate

If you try to connect to the FTP server via the command line which does not support FTP over TLS, you will get an error. For example:

$ ftp
FTP error without TLS

This is another proof that your Vsftpd server is indeed enabled for secure file transfer over TLS.


In this tutorial, we showed you how to install a Vsftpd server on Ubuntu 20.04. We also described how to enable secure file transfer via the TLS protocol. We only covered basic Vsftpd options in this article but you can explore more options on the vsftpd config options manual page.

Ref From: linoxide

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