Things To Do After Installing Fedora 22

Channel: Linux
Abstract: use below mentioned command to install Tor on Fedora22. sudo dnf install tor Once donelet’s install it using following command. sudo dnf install googl

Fedora 22 the latest entrant in the community developed line of Red hat operating systems is released on the 26th of May 2015. A lot of speculation and anticipation has been associated with this release of the venerable fedora. Well there are some major changes that are being proposed for Fedora 22.

Systemd is the new kid in the block when it comes to initialization daemons, it is poised to replace the venerable sysvinit module that has long been a part of the Linux ecosystem. Another major change that users will come across in the base python version. Its just that python in available in two different flavors the 2.x and 3.x lines. Each has its fair share of quirks and benefits. So users who might prefer the 2.x flavor might want to install their favorite python. The dandified Yum installer that has been around since Fedora 18 is all set to replace the age old YUM installer. Fedora has finally decided that it is time that DNF replace YUM.

1) Configure RPMFusion Repos

As I already mentioned Fedora is very strict with its ideologies, it does not ship with any non-free components with it. The official repositories does not provide some essential software containing non-free components like multimedia codes. So it is necessary to install some 3rd party repositories which will provide us some essential software. Luckily RPMFusion repositories come to the rescue.

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$ sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck
2) Install VLC media player

Fedora 22 comes with a default media player viz. gnome videos (previously known as totem). If that is fine by you we can skip this step and move ahead. However if you like me prefer the most widely used VLC you can go ahead and install it from the RPMFusion repos. You can do that with :

sudo rpm -ivh
sudo dnf install vlc
3) Install Multimedia Codecs

As is said some multimedia codecs and plugins don't ship with fedora. Now who would like to miss out on their favorite shows and movies just because the codes are proprietary. Try this:

$ sudo dnf install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer-plugins-base-tools gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-base gstreamer1
4) Update your system

Fedora is a bleeding edge distribution and hence it releases updates which will fix bugs and loopholes present in your system continuously. Hence it is a good practice to keep your system up to date.

$ sudo dnf update -y
 5) Uninstall software you may not need

Fedora comes with a set of pre-chosen packages that most users can utilize, however for more advanced users, you may recognize that you do not need all of it.  It's easy enough to remove any packages you don't need using the following command - I chose to uninstall rhythmbox because I know I won't use it:

$ sudo dnf remove rhythmbox
6) Install Adobe Flash

We all wish Adobe Flash didn't exist anymore since it is not always know for being the most secure or resource efficient, but for awhile it's here to stay.  The only way to install Adobe Flash for Fedora 22 is to install the official RPM from Adobe, as shown below.

You can download the RPM here. After downloading the file, you can right click and open it like this:

Then, simply click install on the window that pops up:

Once the process completes, the "Install" button will change to "Remove" and the installation should have finished.  If your browser is open during the process, it may ask you to close it first or restart it after the install for the changes to take effect.

7) Spin Up a VM with Gnome Boxes

So you just installed Fedora and you're loving it, but maybe you need Windows still for something proprietary, or maybe you just want to play with another Linux distro.  In any situation, you can use Gnome Boxes, provided with Fedora 22, to easily create a VM or use a live distribution.  Follow the steps below to get started using an ISO of your choice!  Who knows, maybe you can even check out a Fedora Spin.

First open Gnome Boxes and select "New" in the top left:

Next, click to open a file and choose an ISO:

Finally, customize the VM settings or use the defaults and click "Create."  The VM will start by default and the available VMs will be available in Gnome Boxes as little thumbnails.

8) Add Social Media and Other Online Accounts

Gnome has some nice built in functionality to accommodate accounts for things like Facebook, Google, and other online accounts.  You can access the Online Accounts settings through the main Gnome Settings application.  You can access the settings by right clicking on the desktop or by finding it in the applications.  Then, simply click on Online Accounts and add the accounts of your choosing.  If you add an account like Google, for example, you can use it as the default for things like sending email, calendar appointments, interacting with photos and documents, and more.

9) Install KDE or another Desktop Environment

Some of us just don't like Gnome, and that's okay.  Run the following command in Terminal to install everything necessary to use KDE instead.  The same instructions can be applied to xfce, lxde, or other desktop environments as well.

$ sudo dnf install @kde-desktop

After the install finishes, log out.  When you click on your username, notice the little gear wheel that indicates settings.  Click it and select "Plasma."  When you log in again, you will be greeted by a fresh KDE desktop.

Install Cinnamon desktop for Fedora 22

Open SSH terminal and type/paste the following command and press enter.

sudo dnf install @cinnamon-desktop
 Install MATE desktop for Fedora 22

Open SSH terminal and type/paste the following command and press enter.

sudo dnf install @mate-desktop
Install XFCE desktop for Fedora 22

Open SSH terminal and type/paste the following command and press enter.

sudo dnf install @xfce-desktop
Install LXDE desktop for Fedora 22

Open SSH terminal and type/paste the following command and press enter.

sudo dnf install @lxde-desktop
10) Customize Your Desktop and Tweak Settings

Gnome comes, by default, with a dark background and a boring lock screen.  Fortunately, it's easy enough to change though:

Further, if you instead click "Settings," you will be taken to a menu presenting all of the things you can change.  For example, on a laptop you may want to consider changing the power settings to control the behavior when you shut the screen.

11) Install Fedy 4.0

Fedy helps the users and administrators to monitor the working of the system and helps them to mold the system the way they want it to work. Here is the one line script to install the latest version of Fedy. Open the terminal and type/paste the following one liner and press the Enter button.

su -c "curl -o fedy-installer && chmod +x fedy-installer && ./fedy-installer"
12) Install Java

Java can be easily installed using the following command.

sudo dnf install java -y

It will install 32-bit or 64-bit Java distribution automatically depending on the architecture.

13) Installing browsers on Fedora 22

Firefox comes as the default browser for Fedora 22 but there are quite a few browsers available with different pros and cons. End users select browsers considering various factors. Let’s provide an easy way to install some of the browsers on Fedora 22.

Install Google Chrome

Open/create the google-chrome.repo file in yum repository with your favorite editor.

sudo gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

Add the following lines and save it.







Now that yum is configured to look for the stable version of chrome, let’s install it using following command.

sudo dnf install google-chrome-stable
Install Tor browser

Installing Tor on Fedora 22 is little tricky. Open/create the file torproject.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d directlry.

sudo gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/torproject.repo

Insert the following snippet in it.


name=Tor repo





name=Tor source repo






GPG key’s fingerprint may be asked and it should be as follows.

3B9E EEB9 7B1E 827B CF0A 0D96 8AF5 653C 5AC0 01F1

Unfortunately, there is an identical name tor in EPEL and Fedora repositories, one needs to explicitly exclude the unwanted tor to be installed/uninstalled/edited. So in this case use Exclude=tor line in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo file.

Finally, use below mentioned command to install Tor on Fedora22.

sudo dnf install tor

Once done, start the tor service.

sudo service tor start
Install Vivaldi

Download 32-bit or 64-bit RPM for Vivaldi browser according to your system architecture.

sudo wget

sudo wget

Install the downloaded RPM using following command.

sudo rpm -ivh Vivaldi_TP3.

sudo rpm -ivh Vivaldi_TP3.

That’s it you are all set to go. Use the system and try out things. If you don't find something according to your liking, linux gives you the freedom to change them. Fedora comes with the latest Gnome shell as its desktop environment, too heavy for you. If you don't like it try KDE or some light weight DE like cinnamon, xfce etc. Wish you a very happy and hassle free Fedora experience!!

Ref From: linoxide

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