Install RPM packages on Ubuntu 11.10 and Ubuntu 11.04

Channel: Ubuntu
Abstract: installation of software can be done on using Ubuntu Software Center or Synaptic package manager or apt-get command line mode. Not all programs comes

In Ubuntu Linux, installation of software can be done on using  Ubuntu Software Center or  Synaptic package manager or apt-get command line mode.  Not all programs comes in Debian package format and still that are comes in standard RPM format.

If would you like to install the RPM on Ubuntu Linux, you need alien program to convert the RPM package into Debian format. Alien program that convert packages from one format to another format.


PS:  This doesn’t mean all the RPM package will work on your system. Do it on your own risk.

Step 1: Open Terminal, Alien package available in Ubuntu repository, So just type the following and Hit Enter.

sudo apt-get install alien

Step 2: Once installed. Convert the rpm package into Debian package.The following command is the Syntax for converting.

sudo alien rpmpackage.rpm

Step 3: Install the Debian package using the dpkg.

sudo dpkg -i rpmpackage.deb 


Install it by single command.

sudo alien -i rpmpackage.rpm

This will convert the rpm package and install immediately. That’s all!. Now the RPM based package installed on Ubuntu Linux.

Ref From: itzgeek

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