10 Useful Free Linux eBooks for Newbies and Administrators

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Abstract: and list of configuration files that are being modified. Download – Managing Linux Systems with Webmin 7. Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook Shell is one
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If you’re planning to take your Linux learning process to more admin/expert level, then we’ve compiled a list of 10 Free Linux eBooks that will help you to build your Linux skills foundation very strong.

10 Free Linux ebooks

We have presented ebook’s order from getting started guide to advance administration in Linux. So, you could download and start improving your Linux skills from very beginning to advance level.

1. Introduction to Linux – A Hands on Guide

This guide was designed as a summary of the Linux Operating System, a helping hand to newbies as an investigation journey and getting starter guide with physical activities at the end of each chapter. This book accommodate real examples that procure from the author’s experience as an Linux system administrator or a trainer. I wish these examples will help you a lot and understand Linux system better and motivates you to try things on your own.

Download – A Hands on Guide

2. A Newbie’s Getting Started Guide To Linux

This book is all about learning basic Linux operating system and getting acquaint yourself with the experimental side. If you are new to Linux and want quick and easy access to get started with it than this is it. Linux is an open source operating system, it very fast and safe than window. with this manual start discovering Linux today.

Download – A Newbie’s Getting Started Guide

3. Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet

With this concise set of notes you will get daily updates in your email for free. Most of the people abominate the command line, but it’s one of the most systematic way to get things done. We have organized a list of useful Linux commands that can be used to make your work more efficiently.

Download – Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet

4. User Mode Linux

With this User Mode Linux ebook you can design virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer and use it safely for testing and debug applications, network services, and even kernels. You can also try new distributions, demonstrate with buggy software, and even test security. This ebook include discussions on networking and security in depth, implementing cluster, future of virtualization and other specialized configuration examples for setting up user mode Linux servers.

Download – User Mode Linux

5. The GNU/Linux Advanced Administration

The elements of this 500+ pages ebook are related with system administration. In this you will learn how to install and configure several computers, how to compress and sync the resources using GNU/Linux. This book includes server and data administrator, Linux network, kernel, clustering, security, optimization, migration, tuning with a non-Linux systems. This ebook is must needed one for any serious Linux system administrator.

Download – The GNU/Linux Advanced Administration

6. Managing Linux Systems with Webmin

In this 808 pages eBook you will learn the browser based Linux/Unix administrator with Webmin in a systematic and step by step. Webmin provides you a browser based remedy for virtual and everyday Linux/Unix administrator work. This ebook gives you a brief explanation on how to install, configure and secure basic system services, such as file systems, Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FTP, Squid, Samba, Sendmail, Users/Groups, Printing and much more. You will have more than 50 important Webmin task, it offers step by step instructions, screenshots, and list of configuration files that are being modified.

Download – Managing Linux Systems with Webmin

7. Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook

Shell is one of the most important tool on a computer system. Most of them are not aware of how one can perform with it. With the help of simple combine commands you can solve any complex problems that occur in our day to day system usage. This Free 40 pages eBook shows you effective use of shell and perform difficult job easier. This eBook consist of basic use of shell, general commands, their usage and how to use shell to make complex work easy.

Download – Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook

8. Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux Bash

Shell scripting eBook is a collection of shell scripting formula that can be immediately used modified and applied for various solutions. Shell is the basic way to interacting with Linux/Unix systems, a direction with a list of ingredients to program a task. This book also features recipes system tools, shell features and system admin. Come out of your shell and dive into this collection of practically tested shell scripting recipes that you can start using in your system right away.

Download – Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux Bash

9. Linux Patch Management

The ebook provides a patch management techniques for Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, SUSE, Debian, and other leading distributions to minimize impacts on administration, networks and users. The ebooks provides a comprehensive coverage on how to use yum, apt and yast online updates to keep your system up-to-date and will reduce your costs, improve the availability of your systems, and dramatically enhance your personal efficiency.

Download – Linux Patch Management

10. Create Your Own Linux from Scratch

The Linux from Scratch eBook furnishes readers with the framework and direction to build and design own custom Linux system. This 318 pages eBook spotlights the Linux from beginning and the advantages of using this system. It also provides readers to create and modify Linux system according to their needs, including security, directory layout and script set up. The designed system will be arrange completely from the source and the users will be able to specify where, why and how the packages are installed.

Download – Create Your Own Linux from Scratch

Ref From: tecmint

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